The Core Technologies Blog

Professional Software for Windows Services / 24×7 Operation

Backup and Sync getting in the way? Run it off-hours, when you’re not around

Backup and Sync File Synchronization

We’re huge fans of Backup and Sync — Google’s free Windows utility that continuously synchronizes our PC’s files with

But lately, the software has been getting in the way on our development machines.


  • Backup and Sync can consume significant resources

    For example, we’ve noticed CPU spikes when several documents are changed simultaneously and uploaded to the cloud.

  • Backup and Sync causes desktop programs (like Microsoft Word and Excel) to occasionally fail to save their files

    In its zeal to immediately process any changes, Backup and Sync can lock files and interfere with the normal saving to disk. Warnings like this (from ToDoList) are all too common:

    Tasklist Save Error

    Updating large files seems to be particularly problematic.

  • Backup and Sync will show excessive “remove item” confirmations when a file is deleted

    Fortunately these notifications are easily disabled via Preferences but the setting is all or nothing. Ideally, we would like to omit confirmations on active development folders but that is not possible.

    Backup and Sync Remove File Warning

None of these is a major headache, but little day-to-day annoyances add up. What to do?

Eventually a key realization dawned on us…

We don’t need real-time file synchronization

Backup and Sync’s mission is to keep your files synchronized. As soon as a document is changed, it is copied up to the cloud.

Though a live copy is ideal, it is not essential for our situation. We will be satisfied with a periodic backup — a recent copy of key files in case of a catastrophe. Heck, a single snapshot every 24 hours would meet our modest needs.

With that understanding, our first adjustment was manual. We would simply exit Backup and Sync at the start of the work day and restart it when we were done for the evening. Doing so eliminated the daily annoyances, and gave Backup and Sync the whole night to catch up.

But some evenings we would forget to restart Backup and Sync, leaving our files unprotected. It was time for a robust, automated solution…

How to run Backup and Sync off-hours as a Windows Service

Step 1: Install Backup and Sync as a Windows Service with AlwaysUp

This first step will enable backups to run in the background — even when you’re not logged in to your computer.

Follow our step-by-step guide and you should be up and running in 10 minutes or less:

Backup and Sync Windows Service: Started

Step 2: Create a Scheduled Task to stop Backup and Sync every morning at 9 AM

  1. Start Task Scheduler. This is best done by running taskschd.msc from a command prompt, or by opening the Control Panel, searching for “schedule” and clicking the Schedule tasks link:

    Start Task Scheduler
  2. Once the Task Scheduler window comes up, click Create Basic Task on the right:

    Create Basic Task
  3. In the Create Basic Task Wizard window, enter a suitable name for the task. We suggest “Stop Google Backup Service at 9 AM Daily”. Click Next when you are done.

    Stop Backup and Sync Service Task: Set Task Name
  4. We want to run daily, so make sure that option is selected and move on:

    Stop Backup and Sync Service Task: Daily
  5. Next, enter 9 AM in the Start controls:

    Stop Backup and Sync Service Task: Set Time
  6. Running this command will stop the Backup and Sync Windows Service created by AlwaysUp:

    NET.EXE STOP "Googledrivesync (managed by AlwaysUpService)"

    Enter that command on this screen, placing NET.EXE in the Program/script field and the rest in the Add arguments section:

    Stop Backup and Sync Service Task: Run NET Command

    Don’t forget the quotes!

  7. The next screen summarizes the task we’ve created. There is still a bit of work to do so check the Open the properties dialog box before clicking the Finish button:

    Stop Backup and Sync Service Task: Summary
  8. And finally, in the Properties window, ensure that the task will (1) run even if no one is logged on and (2) will run with highest privileges:

    Stop Backup and Sync Service Task: Properties

    Click OK to finalize your new scheduled task.

Step 3: Create a Scheduled Task to start Backup and Sync every evening at 7 PM

To create the second task that restarts Backup and Sync in the evening, simply repeat the process you followed in Step 2 with the following adjustments:

  1. Enter 7 PM instead of 9 AM

  2. Replace STOP with START when entering the program to run:

    NET.EXE START "Googledrivesync (managed by AlwaysUpService)"

Less timely backups, but less interruptions too

With these changes in place, our Backup and Sync only runs “off hours”. While our files aren’t synchronized with the cloud during the work day, the annoying interruptions have been eliminated. It has been a reasonable trade-off for our team.

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3 Amazing, Obscure (and Free) Windows Utilities We Use Every Day

Free Windows Utilities

Like you, the majority of our work day is spent in front of a computer.

Indeed, most of the time you will find us wrestling with popular Windows applications — like Microsoft Word, Google Chrome and Acrobat Reader. But there are a few lesser-known programs that we have grown to depend on as well.

Here are three of the best free tools we use all the time — and can heartily recommend:

1. FileMenu Tools: Turbocharge your right-click menu with common file operations

Many of our daily tasks revolve around files. We’re constantly opening documents, copying images and composing command lines that require file paths.

For those operations, Lopesoft’s FileMenu Tools has been a godsend.

This Windows Explorer extension includes over 35 file operations that you can add to Explorer’s right-click menu:

Configure FileMenu Tools

Our favorites include:

  1. Copy Path: Copies the full path to the selected file(s) into the Windows clipboard. Saves time when we have to open the file in another application or add it to a command line. Just paste and go!

  2. Command Line From Here: Launches the command prompt window, already set to the current folder. Much faster than running CMD and CD’ing.

  3. Open with Notepad: Automatically send a file to Notepad, instead of having to start Notepad, click File > Open and browse to the file.

FileMenu Tools is integrated with Windows File Explorer and is very easy to use. Here you can see us copying the full path of the Dropbox executable (C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Client\Dropbox.exe) to the Windows clipboard — with just a couple of clicks:

FileMenu Tools: Copy Path

We use the free version of FileMenu Tools but you can purchase the full package to unlock advanced features.

2. AbstractSpoon ToDoList: Increase productivity by tracking & organizing important tasks

For our day-to-day planning — and to make sure that we don’t forget our brilliant but ambitious ideas — we turn to AbstractSpoon’s ToDoList.

AbstractSpoon ToDoList

This attractive Windows application uses a time-tested tree structure to organize your body of work. You start with one or more top level goals and break them down into actionable steps.

Each step/task can have over 20 properties that provide relevant context, including “priority”, “due date”, “percent complete” and “cost”.

ToDoList helps us keep track of:

  • Topics for upcoming blog articles

  • What to put in each new release (and when to make it available)

  • Standard email templates, that we can copy & paste into Gmail

  • Useful but difficult-to-remember commands for managing our UNIX servers

  • And much more!

And to top it off, ToDoList is actively maintained by a passionate and engaged developer. You will not be disappointed by his responsiveness and attention to detail.

3. Pure Text: Easily paste simple text from the clipboard

I really hate it when I copy text from one application, paste it into another and it comes over with all its formatting. Most times I just want the simple text — with zero decoration.

To get my desired result, I would perform the following dance:

  1. Start Notepad

  2. Paste into Notepad (to produce plain text)

  3. Select all the text

  4. Copy the text

  5. Paste the plain text into my target application

Easy to do but definitely a waste of time.

Enter PureText, a ridiculously simple program that strips all formatting from the clipboard so that we can paste plain text in a single keystroke. What a lifesaver!

PureText runs as an icon in the task tray area. You assign it a “hotkey” and whenever that key is pressed, it will paste plain text. Here you can see that we have assigned Ctrl-Shift-V (which is close to Ctrl-V, the key combination that performs a “regular” paste):

PureText Options

Once you have installed PureText, it will be difficult to use a computer without it. It’s one of the first apps we install on a new PC.

So those are three Windows utilities that make a difference in our day-to-day. Download, install and enjoy!

What free applications do you recommend?

We would love to hear your advice and opinions! Please let us know in the comments section.

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Q&A: What do “Automatic (Trigger Start)” and “Manual (Trigger Start)” mean for Windows Services?

Trigger Start Service
  When I look in Services.msc, some of the Windows Services have a startup type of “Automatic (Trigger Start)” and “Manual (Trigger Start)”. What do those mean?

— Liam

Hi Liam. Those trigger start types are indeed mysterious. And the Services application makes no attempt to explain what they are.

For example, even though the phrase “Trigger Start” appears in the “Startup type” column in the list of services, that designation is absent when you dig into an individual service.

Here we see the User Manager service showing a startup type of “Automatic (Trigger Start)” in the list but simply “Automatic” in the same field in the service’s properties window:

User Manager Service Trigger Start

Baffling, to say the least.

Let’s break down each of the start type names into their two components, to understand what the Services application is trying to communicate.

What do “Automatic” and “Manual” mean?

The first component tells Windows what to do with the service when the computer boots.

Automatic says “start this service when the computer boots”.

Manual means “don’t start the service at boot; it may be started at some other time”.

There are other startup types too but those will be explained in a future article.

What does the “Trigger Start” part mean?

While the first component focuses on what happens at boot, the “Trigger Start” wording indicates if the service can be started or stopped by various operating system events.

For example, some services are configured to start when a USB drive is inserted. Other services may stop when your computer signs out of a domain or leaves the network.

Services that respond to these events are using windows service triggers — a powerful feature designed to conserve your computer’s precious resources. Service triggers were introduced in Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2.

And here is the point of this journey into triggers: A service that has at least one trigger will show up with the “Trigger Start” designation in the Services application.

(Note that the treatment of triggers in the Services application stops there. Despite indicating when a service contains a trigger, triggers cannot be changed in the Services application. You must use the SC command line utility or our free Service Trigger Editor GUI to add or remove triggers from a service.)

Putting it all together…

In summary:

Automatic (Trigger Start) means:

This service will start automatically at boot. It may also start or stop in response to specific operating system events.

Manual (Trigger Start) means:

This service will NOT start automatically at boot. It may start or stop in response to specific operating system events.

Hope this makes sense! Please be sure to get in touch if you have any other questions about the wonderful world of Windows Services.

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Essential Windows Services: Remote Procedure Call (RPC) / RpcSs

Windows Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Service

What is the RPC Windows Service?

The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service supports communication between Windows applications.

Specifically, the service implements the RPC protocol — a low-level form of inter-process communication where a client process can make requests of a server process. Microsoft’s foundational COM and DCOM technologies are built on top of RPC.

The service’s name is RpcSs and it runs inside the shared services host process, svchost.exe:

RPC Windows Service

Should I stop the RPC service?

The answer is no — you should definitely not stop the service. It is far too important.

Indeed, if you examine the list of services that depend on the RPC service for smooth operation — by running the SC ENUMDEPEND command — you will notice that there are a whopping 103 services that need RpcSs on Windows Server 2019!

RPC Windows Service Dependencies

If the RPC service stops, those 103 would have to stop as well — surely crippling your computer.

In their guidance on disabling system services on Windows Server 2016, Microsoft “strongly recommends that you have the RPCSS service running”. However that is a huge understatement. The service is absolutely vital for Windows to run.

Why are all the options for the RPC service grayed out?

If you examine the service’s screenshot, you will notice that the Stop and Pause buttons are disabled — indicating that the service cannot be interrupted.

Furthermore, the account running the service cannot be changed on the Log On tab:

RPC Windows Service Log On tab

You can adjust the recovery settings but not much else.

By limiting changes, Microsoft is clearly shouting: Do not update the RPC service!

Questions? Problems?

If you would like to know more about the Windows RPC service, or you have a specific problem, please feel free to get in touch. We will do our best to help you!

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How to Fix the “OpenGL” Problem when Running Dropbox as a Windows Service

What’s the problem with Dropbox?

As we wrote about last week, Dropbox version 81.4.195 often fails to run as a background Windows Service. The telltale sign that Dropbox is in trouble is this wordy alert, which appears in Session 0:

Dropbox OpenGL Error

Dropbox stops dead in its tracks — without synchronizing a single file!

So how do I fix it?

Follow these steps to fix the problem:

  1. Start a Windows command prompt as an Administrator (an elevated command prompt)

  2. Run this command:

    SETX QT_OPENGL software

    SETX QT_OPENGL software
  3. Close the command prompt.

Afterwards, restart Dropbox as a service. The OpenGL prompt should be gone — a relic of an unpleasant past.

Huge thanks go to Dropbox forum user Wilson7777, who alerted the community of this remedy. His original solution is here.

Why does the fix work?

The explanation is a bit technical, but here goes…

Dropbox uses Qt — a popular cross-platform development framework.

In turn, Qt requires OpenGL — a cross-platform API for rendering 2D and 3D vector graphics.

So when you run Dropbox, both Qt and OpenGL will be started.

But for some unknown reason, when Dropbox is started as a Windows Service in Session 0, Qt and OpenGL fail to initialize. That failure causes Dropbox to throw up the “Failed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat” error, which suggests that there is a problem with the computer’s graphics card/hardware.

Fortunately there is a way to instruct Qt: “Instead of using the computer’s graphics hardware for OpenGL, use software libraries”. Setting the QT_OPENGL environment variable to “software” is the way to do that.

And with the change to use software instead of hardware, Qt, OpenGL and Dropbox all start properly.

Note that when you ran the SETX command in step 2, it added the QT_OPENGL value to your environment. You can see it listed in your environment variables (available from the Control Panel):

QT_OPENGL environment variable

Will this fix work for future versions of Dropbox?

We certainly hope so! But like you, we’re not sure what magic the next automatic update of Dropbox will bring…

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