AlwaysUp Licensing

AlwaysUp Licensing Options & Pricing

Convenient, affordable options to suit your needs. Explicit/open pricing to help you make the best choices!

AlwaysUp comes in two flavors — as a "regular"/GUI application and as set of command line tools (called AlwaysUp CLT) most suitable for OEM use. Several licenses are available to suit your needs (and budget):

Individual Licenses

A single license of AlwaysUp (GUI), which allows you to run AlwaysUp on a single PC (physical or virtual), costs $49.99. Volume discounts kick in when multiple licenses are purchased together. 2-9 licenses cost $44.99 each (a 10% discount), 10-24 licenses cost $39.99 each (a 20% discount), and 25 or more cost $34.99 each (a 30% discount).

 License Agreement (Single computer)

Limited Site License

A Limited Site License allows you to run AlwaysUp on up to 50 computers (physical or virtual) at a single geographic location in your company. The GUI suite costs $999 (a 40% savings when compared to the individual pricing) while AlwaysUp CLT costs $899. They can be purchased together for $1,199. Annual maintenance (which entitles you to free upgrades and expedited support) is complimentary for the first year and costs $299 afterwards.

 Limited Site License Agreement

Site Plus License

A Site Plus License allows you to run AlwaysUp on up to 200 computers (physical or virtual) at a single geographic location in your company. The GUI suite costs $1,999 (a 80% savings when compared to the individual pricing) while AlwaysUp CLT costs $1,699. They can be purchased together for $2,199. Annual maintenance (which entitles you to free upgrades and expedited support) is complimentary for the first year and costs $499 afterwards.

 Site Plus License Agreement

Unlimited Site License

An Unlimited Site License offers unlimited use of AlwaysUp on any computer at a single geographic location in your company. The GUI suite costs $2,999 while AlwaysUp CLT costs $2,799. They can be purchased together for $3,799. Annual maintenance (which entitles you to free upgrades and expedited support) is complimentary for the first year and costs $499 afterwards.

 Unlimited Site License Agreement

Limited Enterprise/Multi-Site License

A Limited Enterprise/Multi-Site License allows you to run AlwaysUp on up to 100 computers (physical or virtual) at multiple geographic locations in your company. The GUI suite costs $1,999 while AlwaysUp CLT costs $1,699. They can be purchased together for $2,199. Annual maintenance (which entitles you to free upgrades and expedited support) is complimentary for the first year and costs $499 afterwards.

 Limited Enterprise License Agreement

Enterprise/Multi-Site Plus License

A Enterprise/Multi-Site Plus License allows you to run AlwaysUp on up to 300 computers (physical or virtual) at multiple geographic locations in your company. The GUI suite costs $2,799 while AlwaysUp CLT costs $2,499. They can be purchased together for $2,999. Annual maintenance (which entitles you to free upgrades and expedited support) is complimentary for the first year and costs $499 afterwards.

 Enterprise Plus License Agreement

Unlimited Enterprise/Multi-Site License

An Unlimited Enterprise/Multi-Site License offers unlimited use of AlwaysUp on any computer at multiple geographic locations in your company. The GUI suite costs $4,999 while AlwaysUp CLT costs $4,799. They can be purchased together for $6,999. Annual maintenance (which entitles you to free upgrades and expedited support) is complimentary for the first year and costs $799 afterwards.

 Unlimited Enterprise License Agreement

Limited OEM License

Limited OEM licensing is available for developers who want to distribute a limited number copies of AlwaysUp annually as part of their applications for sale. Distribution is limited to 25 customer installations per year (up to a maximum of 100 in total) and is royalty-free. A Limited OEM License of the GUI suite costs $1,299 and a Limited OEM License for AlwaysUp CLT costs $1,099. They can be purchased together for $1,499. Annual maintenance (which entitles you to free upgrades and expedited support) is complimentary for the first year and costs $299 afterwards.

 Limited OEM License Agreement

 Why purchase AlwaysUp OEM?

 Why Should I Buy AlwaysUp Instead of Writing My Own Windows Service?

OEM Plus License

OEM Plus licensing is available for developers who want to distribute a limited number copies of AlwaysUp annually as part of their applications for sale. Distribution is limited to 100 customer installations per year (up to a maximum of 300 in total) and is royalty-free. An OEM Plus License of the GUI suite costs $2,799 and an OEM Plus License for AlwaysUp CLT costs $2,499. They can be purchased together for $2,999. Annual maintenance (which entitles you to free upgrades and expedited support) is complimentary for the first year and costs $499 afterwards.

 OEM Plus License Agreement

 Why purchase AlwaysUp OEM?

 Why Should I Buy AlwaysUp Instead of Writing My Own Windows Service?

Unlimited OEM License

Unlimited OEM licensing is available for developers who want to distribute AlwaysUp as part of their applications for sale. Distribution is unlimited and royalty-free. An Unlimited OEM License of the GUI suite costs $4,999 and an Unlimited OEM License for AlwaysUp CLT costs $4,799. They can be purchased together for $6,999. Annual maintenance (which entitles you to free upgrades and expedited support) is complimentary for the first year and costs $799 afterwards.

 Unlimited OEM License Agreement

 Why purchase AlwaysUp OEM?

 Why Should I Buy AlwaysUp Instead of Writing My Own Windows Service?

Affiliate License

Regular/repeat customers who won't purchase enough licenses to warrant a Site or OEM license may benefit from our Affiliate program. Program members are eligible to purchase an unlimited number of copies of AlwaysUp (GUI) at a 50% discount ($24.99), after paying an annual up-front fee of $129. This may be the most cost effective for those who purchase more than 5 copies of AlwaysUp over the course of a year. Please see our Affiliates page for complete details and to enroll in the program.

License to run anything as a Service

AlwaysUp Pricing Summary

AlwaysUp GUI AlwaysUp CLT AlwaysUp GUI & CLT
Individual $34.99 - $49.99 N/A N/A
Limited Site $999 (1) $899 (1) $1,199 (1)
Site Plus $1,999 (2) $1,699 (2) $2,199 (2)
Unlimited Site $2,999 (2) $2,799 (2) $3,799 (2)
Limited Enterprise/Multi-Site $1,999 (2) $1,699 (2) $2,199 (2)
Enterprise/Multi-Site Plus $2,799 (2) $2,499 (2) $2,999 (2)
Unlimited Enterprise/Multi-Site $4,999 (3) $4,799 (3) $6,999 (3)
Limited OEM $1,299 (1) $1,099 (1) $1,499 (1)
OEM Plus $2,799 (2) $2,499 (2) $2,999 (2)
Unlimited OEM $4,999 (3) $4,799 (3) $6,999 (3)
Affiliate $24.99 (4) N/A N/A

(1) Annual maintenance is $299/year after the first year.
(2) Annual maintenance is $499/year after the first year.
(3) Annual maintenance is $799/year after the first year.
(4) A $129 annual fee applies to maintain membership in the Affiliate Program.

All prices are in US dollars.

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