Download the Minecraft Server JAR file, if necessary.
Setup Minecraft as per these
detailed installation instructions
and ensure that it runs and works as expected.
For this tutorial, we downloaded Minecraft server version 1.19.2 (minecraft_server.1.19.2.jar) and placed it in the "C:\Minecraft" folder:
And the recommended Java command launched our server as expected:
Download and install AlwaysUp, if necessary.
Start AlwaysUp.
Select Application > Advisor to open the Application Advisor window:
Click Next to move past the welcome page:
Since Minecraft Server is a Java based product, choose Java (JAR/WAR) from the list of applications.
Click Next to proceed.
AlwaysUp will spend a few seconds figuring out where you installed Java.
(We installed the excellent and free
Amazon Corretto version 17
on our server.)
Afterwards, you will be prompted to enter the full path to the Minecraft server JAR file.
That's "C:\Minecraft\minecraft_server.1.19.2.jar on our system:
Click Next to move on.
The service must run in your user account, where you've installed Java and configured the required environment variables (e.g. RDECK_BASE).
Please enter your password:
Click Next.
The application advisor is done collecting the settings for installing Minecraft server as a Windows Service.
Click Next to launch the Add Application window:
Almost done! Just a few more modifications to run Minecraft with he recommended settings.
In the Start in directory field, enter the full path to your Minecraft server installation.
In the Arguments field, add these options at the front of the text:
-Xmx1024M -Xms1024M
And finally, change the Name field to "Minecraft Server" (or anything else you like).
Click the Save button to record your settings:
In a few seconds, a new entry for Minecraft will appear in the AlwaysUp window.
The service has been installed but it's not running yet (it's in the Stopped state):
To start Minecraft server as a service, choose Application > Start "Minecraft Server".
The state will transition to Running and Minecraft will start invisibly in the background:
That's it! Next time your computer boots, Minecraft server will start automatically, without anyone having to log on to launch it.
We encourage you to edit Minecraft in AlwaysUp and check out the many other settings that may be appropriate for your environment.
Boost priority to give Java more CPU, set up email reports, and much more.