Since FishEye is a Java based application, download and install the Java runtime environment (JRE), if necessary.
Be sure to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable so that FishEye will be able to find Java when it is run!
If necessary, download the FishEye zip file and extract it to a new directory.
We have placed it in C:\FishEye and the following instructions use that setting.
Configure FishEye if necessary. Ensure that FishEye is working as you expect it to, with your repositories accessible, etc.
Once you are satisfied with your FishEye setup, stop FishEye (by typing CTRL-C in the DOS window started by run.bat).
Download and install AlwaysUp, if necessary.
Start AlwaysUp.
Select Application > Add to open the Add Application window:
On the General tab:
In the Application field, enter the full path to FishEye's run.bat file (in the bin directory, C:\FishEye\bin\run.bat for us).
In the Name field, enter the name that you will call the application in AlwaysUp.
We suggest FishEye but you can specify almost anything you like.
On the Logon tab:
Enter the user name and password of the account in which you setup FishEye.
If you wish to hide the DOS/command window that comes up when you run FishEye from the batch file (recommended), check the When a user logs on, don't show the application's windows and tray icons (if any) box at the bottom.
(We will capture the text displayed in the DOS window in a later step.)
Click over to the Startup tab and check the Ensure that the Windows Networking components have started box.
This informs AlwaysUp that FishEye needs the TCP/IP networking stack to operate.
Click over to the Extras tab. If you wish to capture the text normally displayed on the command window created by run.bat (recommended),
check the Capture output to this log file box and specify the full path to a file. We have specified C:\FishEye\fisheye-log.txt.
Click the Save button. In a couple of seconds, an application called FishEye will show up in the AlwaysUp window.
It is not yet running though.
To start FishEye, choose Application > Start "FishEye". You can access FishEye with your browser and review the log file if you like.
That's it! Next time your computer boots, FishEye will start up immediately, before anyone logs on.
We encourage you to edit FishEye in AlwaysUp and check out the many other settings that may be appropriate for your environment.